Medical Careers I
Grade: 10-12 • Full Year • 1 credit • Online or ITV
1st period 8:30; or 2nd period – 9:25 + Learning Days
Students will explore healthcare principles such as the history of medicine, safety, disease transmission and prevention. Students will also be introduced to various health careers and medical terminology. Three hands-on learning experiences are required and may require travel to alternate locations. Students must successfully complete both semesters of this class including First Aid & CPR/AED Certification for Healthcare Providers. This course and the required certifications are the prerequisite to all other Health Science courses and is offered either on-line or via interactive television.
Advanced Medical Careers
Grade: 11-12 • Full Year • 1 credit • Online
Prerequisite: Medical Related Careers I including First Aid & CPR/AED Certification for Healthcare Providers is required.
(Formerly Med Careers II) This course will expand on the knowledge gained in Medical Careers I. Students will have the opportunity to explore various medical careers through research, professional guest speakers, college tours and job shadows. The curriculum is designed to enhance student employability skills and professional medical career readiness. Up to date vaccinations, including influenza and TB test are required per facility policies. Students 18 years or older must have a background check. The student is responsible for necessary vaccinations and transportation to clinical sites. *Student/school is responsible for additional course fees including: $15 background check for job shadow (applies to all enrolled students); $18 fee for job shadow at CHI St. Alexius Medical Center (optional).
Medical Terminology
Grade: 10-12 • Fall or Spring Semester • 0.5 credit • Online +Learning Days
Dual Credit is available through Bismarck State College. In this course, students will develop skills necessary for decoding of commonly used medical terms including the meaning of medical suffixes, prefixes and word roots. Students will learn terminology associated with body systems, diseases and disorders of those systems. Students will be also be expected to use correct spelling and pronunciation of medical terms they have learned and will learn commonly used medical abbreviations. *Course is provided through BSC Blackboard LMS
NEW!Introduction To Emergency Medical Responders
Grade: 11, 12 • 1 Credit • Full Year • Online+ Learning Days
Prerequisite: Medical Careers I including First Aid & CPR/AED Certification is required.
This introductory course prepares students to respond to a wide range of emergencies such as heart attacks, auto accidents and diabetic problems. The units of instruction include, EMS systems, workforce safety, medical, legal and ethical issues, communications and documentation, the human body, airway management, patient assessment, medical emergencies, trauma, special patient populations and EMS operations. On completion of the EMR course students will be better prepared to work with local EMT’s to complete requirements for state EMR testing. Students will not be completing clinical ride-along’s in ambulances with EMT squads as a requirement in this course. Students who are 16yrs old or older, and interested in taking the EMR state exam, will need to coordinate with local EMT squads in your community or region to complete the required clinical hours to meet the requirements to take that exam.
NEW! Introduction To Nursing Assistant
Grade: 10-12 • 0.5 Credit • Fall or Spring Semester • ITV/ Online+ Learning Days
Prerequisite: Medical Careers I including First Aid & CPR/AED Certification is required.
This Introduction to Nursing Assistant Training program offers classroom instruction and the necessary skills practice to those preparing for employment as a certified nursing assistant in a skilled nursing facility, acute care or home health care. This course does not require supervised clinical practice hours, but will provide necessary curriculum and supervised skills training to challenge the state CNA board exam provided by the North Dakota Board of Nursing to become a certified CNA. Assistance will be provided for interested students in coordinating with local healthcare facilities for clinical experiences if desired; not required to complete this course.
Sports Medicine – Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries
Grade: 10-12 • Full Year • 1 Credit • ITV+Learning Days
GNWACTC – $300/student
This is an introductory course for students interested in the field of Sports Medicine. Topics discussed include: prevention, recognition and immediate care of athletic injuries and equipment fitting: rehabilitation of athletic injuries and taping and wrapping techniques. Classroom learning is enhanced through clinical education experiences if available at the school. Three hands-on training days at selected sites are included. The student is responsible for transportation to clinical sites. Dual Credit for semester 2 only through Williston State College.